Thursday 4 January 2018









dinah ayerteye / Garrett Walliam /

Поддельные военный профиль, используя украденные фотографии Lt. Gen. William B. Garrett

Остерегайтесь поддельных профилей социальных медиа в Интернете. Вы никогда не знаете наверняка, кто этот человек за фото вы видите. В настоящее время на этих объектах действуют преступные группировки и террористы, которые маскируются под западных военнослужащих. Все они самозванцы...!


  1. The man behind this pic befriended me in March, he goes by the name Garrett Williams e-mail military

  2. I was friended on Facebook by this man. I texted him for two weeks with his texts getting extremely amorous. When questions turned to my finances, I checked him out. I was never talking to this much respected man. It is a group of Nigerian scammers posing as military personnel to vulnerable widows. The phone number used is a Los Angeles area code. Lt. General Garrett is aware of this fraud and the Army is intervening on his behalf. Discrediting a man of this caliber who has fought for his country around the world, is despicable. Beware of these scammers.

    1. The same thing happened to me for the past week. I kept telling my family that something just isn't about this. Today he declared his love for me. I blocked him.
      I feel bad for the real guy.

    2. he did the same to me ,, wants to marry me ,, i had talked to him for 2 months he wont sty

  3. My mom is currently involved with this guy. I told her time and again he is fake but she doesn’t believe me.

    1. Yes hes fake he got me good too shame on this Nigerian people

    2. Anonymous absolutely shocking. The American military should put an end to this scamming. Nigerian are known for this. Even the South African are not happy with their behaviour in their country that was why there were so many riots in South Africa some years back and Nigerians were targeted.

    3. Okay. I will see what I can do about that, have you gone to Dr phil

  4. Yes I too am a victim of this crap believe it

  5. he contacted me also with same questions and I delieted quickley not a friend of mine

  6. So this is a scammer I was right

  7. Recebi solicitação de amizade com este nome. Não aceitei, pois percebi que é fake

  8. I just figured out this scam. Boy was I duped until I was asked for a large sum of money. For the past two weeks He has been so amorous saying all sorts of romantic things right up to asking me to marry him. I'm so embarrassed! I thought I was smarter than this boy was I fooled. Now they have personal information about me and I'm afraid of being hacked. I will never trust again.

    1. Yes he has been pos dateing site says he is irag and his wife was killed

    2. he scammed me too , but i didnt send no money i put him in his place n called him out its not who u think it is he said he wanted to spend the rest of his life witt me n marry me ,, please beware girls ,, he is not the men u think he is !!!!

    3. he told me his wife died of cancer n he has a daughter named laura

    4. I still talking to him just to catch him on some lies he says also his wife died of cancer and his only sister he had 2 sons which one died 4 months after his wife so he has one son "Evan" so why are you in Syria and your son by himself well he is 17 in school now on his profile it says he is widow idk if that is true or not

    5. Anonymous: He told me his wife died of an accident and he has a 15 years old son. Let me kniw how I should respond, if he goes ahead with financial demands. I am definitely not rich just an ordinary person, and my brother will take me to task if he gets to know I am friend with him. But, I am also playing a game
      No wonder he was so insistent on corresponding with me on hangout chat sites. I have now learnt that these scammers live thesechat sites.

  9. He's going by Garrett B Williams now I haven't heard from him since I asked him why he was using a fake account

  10. Please add this profile:-

    He keeps changing his profiles once found out

    1. He has 15 + FB accounts. Real Military folk aren't encouraged to have social media accounts. It's a major bummer he feel the need to con people. Thank you for getting the warning out. People be aware: This man is a scammer and has many fraudulent accounts.

  11. I got him twice along with about 20 guys altogether. I knew that they were fake I told them I was a Vegas show girl and now a por on the strip and my specialty is Dominatrix and that is just a real as their profile.

    1. Good for you. Great reply. I really feel sorry for the guy he stole the identity from. The real general Garrett. You have to admit he was nice looking

  12. He is alive and well I just caught on to this his daughter is Laura his wife is dead and I figured him out in 3 days. Beware of this guy. His land line phone number comes up in Baltimore Maryland.

    1. He told me the very same thing! What really gave him away was his inability to write well. A Lt. Gen. in the USARMY would be much better versed in his writing. So sad on all levels.

  13. He didn't get a dime from me I'm a poor widow.

  14. Big tip off for me was his story of having ten million dollars in cash and he had very poor use of English and couldn't spell correctly either.

    1. I still play in love with him, I know he's a liar, but I wash very interesting what will happen

  15. I still play in love with him, I know he's a liar, but I wash very interesting what will happen

  16. I just dumped him this morning! He asked me for $7,300 to get his 3 million $ for rescuing some family using a helicopter in enemy lines !! Well 2 days later a truck with the 3 million arrived as a thank you . He has a daughter Emily that is 16 being raised by a nanny in California. His wife died while giving birth to his daughter Emily. The kicker was he wanted me to go and buy $500 apple cards on 5 different occasions one for Emily for a Easter gift . He asked me to marry him and move to Texas with him since he put in for his retirement in July . His daughter Emily also contacted me when I told him to get lost and she asked me why her dad was so sad . I could still go on and on but I blocked him and her this morning and thay still kept trying to contact me from a person I know whom thay hacked I could write a book!!!

  17. This man wrote to me last night,he is now on Plenty of watch for him there. He was quite polite, said he is in Miami, has one son and is divorced because his wife was cheating on him. What tipped me off was he put on the public profile does recreational drugs!!.....No Lt. General is going to put that on his profile......he has now disappeared. He also put high school education......I have two degrees.....I think he knew he was not going to pull anything over on me, especailly since I am a psychologist. He is looking at ladies with photos of nice homes, etc. I think he knew he had to clean up his act.

  18. Why has the real William Garrett not put a stop to this? I dated a Lt. Commander from the Navy, and they can handle this type of ruse.

  19. Ladies...please be very careful, and some of you need to be realistic! A man of this calibur is going to be seeking a very attractive woman, height and weight proportionate, and with a good background. She will also be well educated, and have little baggage. She will most likely not have any children at home. Ask yourself...............does this fit my profile? Don't try to fool yourself that once he meets you , he will like you, dispite the fact you only have a high school education, work as a clerk at CVS, and have two lazy teens living with you. Trying to reach for the stars usually never works.

  20. Here is an idea from a psychologist at my practice. She ran into someone else, not this person, but it worked like a charm....she suspected he was up to no good, so in casual chat she mentioned her brother worked for the CIA. She never heard from him again. This information should not bother a normal gentleman.

  21. did the same thing to me, hacked my facebook account, how do i get it to STOP

  22. I've been texting with this guy right at this moment.
    He did ask the for a friend request on fb. He told me he had a daughter, nothing about a son. Said his wife died 5 years ago of blood cancer
    Oh, he also said right away first day of texting how they are not allowed to video call or send pictures, if they get caught they will lose their post. I asked him to call me and he got all upset.
    I just now called him out.
    That'll be the end of that.
